Address 1 Onaping Lake Rd., Sudbury, ON POM 2C0

Boat Slip Rental

Onaping Lake Lodge has over 100 slips including 52 slips built in 2022 in the Onaping Lake. Slips sizes are from 16ft to 24ft up. Boating on Lake Onaping is just wonderful. Our boat slips get booked quick so give us a shout to reserve yours!

Boat Slip Rates

Seasonal Slip and Parking (May 21, 2022 – Oct 11, 2022)

Includes: slip, NO parking, NO power or water.

Zone 16’ & under 17’-20’ 21’-22’ 23’-25’ 26’ & up
(May – October)
Dock A $1,200 $1,600 $1,800 NA NA
Dock B, C NA $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 $2,000
Monthly Dock A $350 $450 $525 NA NA
Dock B, C NA $350 $425 $525 $600
Weekly Dock A $150 $180 210 NA NA
Dock B, C NA $150 $180 $210 $240
Daily Dock A $25 $30 $35 NA NA
Dock B, C NA $25 $30 $35 $40

Updated: March 1, 2022, Rates are in Canadian dollars. *Prices are subject to change.

Vehicle Parking

Per Day Per Week Per Month Seasonal
Without Trailer $10 $50 $150 $350
With Trailer $15 $75 $225 $500
Seasonal Without Trailer $5 $25 $75 $170
Docking Customer With Trailer $8 $35 $112 $250

Updated: March 1, 2022, Rates are in Canadian dollars. *Prices are subject to change.

*No parking or storage in the property. Trailers and boats must leave by the end of Oct.

Boat Slip Inquiries

We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Dock Zone(Required)
Arrival Date(Required)
Departure Date(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.